I have some friends who are, well were, determined to buy a local business on the Blue Ridge Parkway to be called The Teddy Bear Restaurant and Inn. When they succeed (they didn't), I will be making quilts for all their guest beds. The center of the quilts will be this bear. Even though things have not panned out, John still wants one of the quilts for himself. Since May 31, I have been playing around with the idea of using Scottish tartans in various layouts. I found an online site, The Scottish Weaver, that had 100% cotton tartans and began arranging them in EQ7. Swatches are below. The vendor is in nearby Charlotte. When the guys bought the idea of tartans, I called. The Scottish Weaver is a division of Great Scot International. With a delightful Scottish brogue, Peter Wilson took my first order of 100% cotton twill tartans on June 01. I ordered 8 tartans with enough yardage to complete at least two queen sized quilts. They are the first eight listed above, June 13: The first set of tartans are here!! June 16: After spending several days working on quilt top patterns that went from bad to worse, the guys finally came over today to see the fabrics. When we actually spread them out on the bed, it was immediately obvious that the tartans looked best left pretty much alone. Sam did decide be wanted a Stewart Royal (red) border around the Rosie Bear block & around the quilt. Otherwise, he wanted MacLeod of Harris (green) for the rest. Second option is with the fabrics reversed. Stunning effect! Oh yes! He also picked out a bear paws pantograph and variegated red and black #1003 GLOWING EMBERS King Tut thread for quilting. The backing will be a solid red with bright red bobbins. June 22: Did the quilt top layout. June 23: First order of red & green solids for backing are here. The colors are perfect. The thread is ordered. June 24: The rest of the red and some navy solids are here. Now that we have the main quilts planned, I started playing with the classic Bear Paw quilt blocks in conjunction with tartans and Rosie Bear. These are the layouts I have come up with so far. It is fun just playing with this software. June 26: The cutting of the first quilt has begun with the center creme & and the red. Since the fabric is 54-55 inches wide, the size the guys want perfectly fits the fabric and there will be absolutely no waste. The top and bottom sections of the green are 27" high and the smaller sides are 26" high. Can't have a better unplanned fit than that!! June 30: The thread is here and gorgeous! It is thicker than I usually use so the quilting patterns--Rosie and the bear paws--will really stand out. July 01: The fabric for one quilt is now cut & pieced except for red border. Oct 18: Pieced, ironed & loaded the backing
Oct 19: Started ironing the top amidst numerous interruptions all day long Oct 20: Finished ironing and loaded the top. Quilted 3 rows and Rosie. Oct 21: Quilted! Oct 24: Sandy agreed to do the hand binding. Nov 06: I finally attached the binding. Nov 18: Passed it to Sandy to finish Dec 13: Finished & delivered back to me. Dec 15: John picked it up
This quilt is gray, lime and shades of pink from light to maroon with dark red tonal backing. The pattern is classic log cabin. When Bennie asked about a large quilt available for sale I thought about this one. He loved it and bought it from Joan.
I made my sample bag in April 2010. The pattern is Amy Butler Birdie Sling. I modified it to make a shorter bag. I used the same cotton batting for interfacing that I use in my quilts and it worked great. It has certainly held up very nicely all year. I just love it! In general, I don't like to carry a bag but this one is perfect for my road trips to Greensboro.
In July 2010, I cut out the fabric I had to make 5 bags but have never gotten around to sewing them. This week is the week to get started. It is May 2011 May 21: Started cutting out and attaching the interfacing. Some have a special product for just his purpose & some have batting. It is October 2011 Oct 14: Finally sewing! Got tired of seeing that large stack of pieces sitting around forever in the way. Oct 16: Finished 4 bags & all but the last step on the last bag. Oct 17: DONE!! Oh YES!! Oct 18: Sold to Joanne, my daughter and quilt shop owner. On May 9, two fun projects greeted my return home after a week in Greensboro. The dogs are for a little boy. Decided to use Black thread front & back. Quilted May 25, 2011 The flowers will be four placemats. Used Bright Gold thread front & back. Quilted May 26, 2011 On May 14, a third project arrived that I am adding to this post. It also is for a child and features various means of transportation. Decide to use Bright Red thread front & back.
Quilted May 27, 2011. It was moving week at Ye Olde Forest. When I arrived on Monday, the heavy items had been moved and the organization was beginning. Four long exhausting and painful days led to a beautiful Grand Opening on Friday, May 06, with special sale prices continuing through today. It was so worth it to have a shop with twice the space! Huge congratulations to Joanne & Kelley !!!!
November 2023