How the Grinch Stole Christmas Sept 21: Loaded Sept 24: Quilted Donna's Rail Fence
Sept 24-25: Adjusting the tension for thicker King Tut variegated thread called Joseph's Coat Sept 25: Quilted using IQ pattern called Connected Circles by Designs by Vicki. This amazingly beautiful quilt has 100 9" square blocks arranged in 10 rows and 10 columns. Starting in the upper left hand corner, the blocks gradually get darker towards the lower right hand corner. So many different fabrics so beautifully laid out. Impressive!
I brought back seven projects for either Ye Olde Forest directly or for their customers. What a beautiful collection of quilts & all nicely pieced! These will all be so much fun to do!! The last two quilts are Joanne's and I will bind for her as well.
One is a small wildlife panel. I'll complete this quilt with binding.
The other is a "Take 5" pattern made with batiks. Jan 18: These quilts are in the when you can get to them category. That is always dangerous should i take it to heart. Actually, the weather as been such that if they were finished, I couldn't deliver them. I plan to get them done ASAP meaning this week. It is time!
Jan 21: First one done. Jan 22: Second one done Jan 24: Third one done Ye Olde Forest got in one more quilt wanted before Christmas. This one is light blues, browns and whites. It will come close to maxing out my 10' table. It certainly swallows my full size bed! You can't even see the blue 6" border in the photograph.
Have one new queen sized quilt from the shop that is wanted before Christmas! It is a beauty. This one sure took some time to piece and the craftsmanship is excellent! And it swallows my full size bed whole so this second image does not do it justice with that beautiful border! Just as I got to Greensboro on the way to deliver this beauty, I heard a pop and then a most unwelcome sound. Big time flat! TG for AAA!!! And Wal-Mart's tire department.
I picked up four quilts at Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shoppe last week. Two are repeat customers: Donna Roberson & Marilyn Pusey. Paula Ginn is a neat lady I met the day the original shop opened back on August 30, 2008. The fourth quilt is a stark/crisp black & white quilt and the one I will do today. I really like this design! And some quilts are just fun to photograph even if the color is off..
This week I'll be longarming three more quilts for Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shoppe. Below are before and after pictures of each quilt.
This week I'll be longarming four quilts for Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shoppe, owned and operated by my daughter and her husband, i.e. Joanne & Kelley Jones. Kelley is the longarmer for the shop and the one who keeps me going forward. Their fabulous quilt shop in Greensboro NC features an incredible selection of fabrics, patterns, notions, Janome sewing machines, sample quilts on the walls and one of their longarm machines with a quilt always loaded. Since Kelley runs the shop alone during the week, he can't always get much longarming done. So I am helping him reduce his queue a bit. Thanks so much, Kelley. I appreciate you and appreciate this business opportunity while helping you out a bit.
It looks like an exciting week at the cabin with plenty of quilting to do.
I heard a couple of days ago that two quilt tops are waiting for me to pick them up at Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shoppe. I am working on a third quilt top for the shop made from a Moda Fresh Cotton layer cake. On this one I will actually complete the whole quilt. May even get to load and longarm it today. When I deliver this one, I'll pick of the two waiting for me. Oh good! Change of plans. We decided to swap shipping of two tops for one finished quilt. Those road trips are nice until it is dark or the afternoon sun is blinding for an hour of the trip. So I am tripped out for awhile. The way this Fresh Cottons is going, I will ship it Tuesday at the latest. I am working on my second beautiful fall sample quilt using October Fabrics & the "Yellow Brick Road" pattern for Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shoppe Progress photos will be throughout the day.
I am working a beautiful fall quilt using Arnold's Attic Fabrics & the "Perfect Ten" pattern. I am making this for Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shoppe as a sample quilt to help sell fabric. Photos will be posted showing the progress through the day.
I commissioned my daughter to make this one for me. I bought the t-shirts on Zazzle & shipped them to Joanne. The design is hers. When my daughter and her husband got into quilting and bought their first longarm, I purchased nine T-shirts from Zazzle online & had them shipped to their home. The quilt top design and piecing are Joanne's work; the longarming is Kelley's. Together, they are Ye Old Forest Quilters. It was displayed at a show in September 2007 which is where some of these photos were taken.
I am posting on this 9th anniversary because "we will never forget." |
November 2023