![]() I decided to order the center panel here to see if it was something that was nice enough & something I could work into a quilt. Eventually purchased additional panels for the side images as we transitioned from a large bed quilt with just the one panel to a sofa quilt (left image) back to a king size bed quilt (right images). ![]() Five months later, the binding is finished and the quilt ready for delivery. The Whole StoryDec 23: I have been talking/thinking about a quilt for Charles for several years. I finally got him to sit down long enough for us to talk about. Wood ducks are his #1 big thing & horses are a close second. We found a panel online he likes so I ordered to see what it really looks like. He would prefer lots of images on his quilt of wildlife that he loves. Dec 24: I had never heard of wood ducks before so I returned to RedBubble to see what photographs I might find. I picked 16 and had them printed on post cards. Dec 30: Post cards expected today. Jan 19: Started suggesting quilt top layouts. Narrowed down to simple browns and blues. Jan 20: Ordered several fabrics as indicated in captions below. Feb 02: Wife Myra says Charles likes "very simple". I am liking the piano keys more and more. These will only be on the drop & help reduce the picture fame look. Favorite color blue will predominate the top. Myra will be by soon to make a final decision. Posted more ideas, some inspired by suggestions from Joan. Feb 21: Got in 3 coordinating panels. With Myra's help tonight, we have a working plan. After cutting the panels, we will work out the sashing and/or borders. Also, Myra needs to measure the sofa. Didn't happen so I stopped by and measured it myself. FabricsPiecing the Quilt TopFeb 25: Cut out the panels. Laid out the quilt map using Excel. Using real panels changes things.Mar 01: Cut panels and started piecing. The panels are warped so it is a bit of a challenge to cut and fit them together nicely. I find I am trimming and trimming and trimming yet again. Mar 02: Finished piecing the center and then took it over to show Charles. Charles was not going to settle for a sofa quilt. He wants something that will one day fit a King with as much drop as possible. My max width is 90 and 100 makes a good length. When I suggested some nice pinwheels above and below the center, Charles suggested more wood ducks--8 more--framed in wood bark & black. Use other panels on the sides framed in just black. Well, panels are easier to piece than pinwheels. Ordered 8 more panels & am very grateful to Thread Bear Fabrics in Georgia for not gouging the price on these like some vendors are. Mar 05: My panels are here. Mar 17: Cut the panels apart. Mar 18: Trimmed the 19 panels I need to their proper size for piecing. Mar 19: Completed the expanded layout details. Cut the pieces to go around the small panels. Mar 21: Framing the panels. Mar 22: Panels are framed & connected into borders Mar 23: Putting it all together. Oops. Got the wood ducks borders reversed. Attached right side border. It needs a tad of tweaking. Still have the left side & top & bottom final blue borders. To tired & too hungry to continue. Ahhh, was able to go on after a short break. Finished the sides. Pinned the top & bottom. Will sew them in the morning & be done. Mar 24: Pieced. QuiltingMar 27: Quilting some pillow covers to test thread choice (silver) and patterns. I am going to try a combination of two of Anne Bright's pantographs. Very nice, I think. Doing the design small on the pillows. Will do it larger on the king size quilt ... maybe.
Mar 28: Finished 2 sets of pillow covers and ordered inserts. Love it! (I can love my own work, no?) Mar 30: Want to try to find enough fabrics to piece quilt. I need just over 6 yards and only have 3 of the brown I wanted to use. Guess this will be my first hodgepodge backing. Hmmm. Some brown. some blue, some black & may even include one of those extra panels or two. I have been putting this challenge off but alas, can't load and quilt until it is done. Mar 31: Decided to order enough of the Dark Bark fabric to do the backing rather than trying to piece something together. I have just over half of what I need already. It would be ridiculous to fudge the backing after working so hard on the top. My first order got canceled--they didn't really have it. Apr 07: The rest of the backing fabric is here. Apr 08: Piecing the backing. Will need some strips on the top & bottom to ensure enough backing to load properly. Got everything ready to sew. Apr 09: Backing is now pieced. Ready to quilt. May 01: Loading May 03: Quilting. Quilted. May 05: Squared. May 08: Let the binding begin. May 29: Bound & finished.
![]() "Authentic horses" - that was the directive. A striking contrast indeed but I probably should have tried to do more piecing with this fabric. My luck, if I tried to piece it I would have gotten just horse tails in several blocks. Myra loves this quilt as it & has claimed it for her step-son (Charles' son), Caleb, as thanks for all his hard work helping them get their home in shape to move in. Dec 26: Bought fabric.
Dec 28: Pieced the top. This will either go to Charles or Myra's dad. I will probably have to cut it down for "dad". The center section is 2 yards--a bit much for a lap quilt. The whole top is 80 x 100 so that is a whole lot of onyx gringe side border. Feb 28: Bought backing fabric today which led to consider what I will use to quilt this. I instantly fell in love with some green & yellow but ultimately opted for light cream blender backing. Progression of ideas below. Feb 29: More brainstorming. Whatever I use will not show up in the center of the top but will be very visible from the back. Letters would be a mirror image on the back. Mar 10: Myra decided on her patterns: Running Horses panto with Horse Portraits in the outer border turned to be right side up relative to the floor. After Myra left at around noon. I worked until midnight on these layouts. They look so innocent once done...don't believe it. Jun 25: Final press. loaded and quilting. Jun 28: Quilted. Jun 30: Squared. Made the binding. Jul 01: Binding is clamped and ready for needle work. Got a good start. Oct 06: Finally made some progress on the binding. Intend to at least something each evening until done. Nov 02: Finished the binding & thus the quilt. ![]() Picked up fabric with authentic horses for a couple of quick quilts over the holidays. Dec 26: Bought fabric.
Dec 27: January birthday girl, Vanessa, picked the tame horses and helped design the quilt top. Dec 28: Pieced the top. Jan 12: Vanessa & Beth are coming over today to help with this quilt. Didn't happen. Jan 19: Vanessa is here piecing her backing. Jan 20-21: Slowly loading hoping Vanessa could join me but she is not well. Jan 22: Quilting. Jan 23: Quilted. Jan 25: More photos. Jan 28: Made & attached the binding. Will be working on it until finished. Feb 21: About 1/3 done, I turned over the rest of the binding to Myra, Vanessa's mom. Thus my work is done. Mar 10: I asked Myra & she returned this quilt so I can finish the binding. Mar 17: On the home stretch of binding, i.e. on the final side w/all corners done. Binding work is typically slow but this one has been ridiculous. So sorry, Vanessa. FINISHED! ![]() It's here! In December! Needed in June Now THAT is how to plan ahead. Dec 05: Photos by Kyle. (I didn't even post these during Christmas rush. It feels good to catch up.)
Dec 23: It's here! ... but I can't stop & post.You see there is this wonderful day coming up & I am not yet ready for it. Jan 25: Finally took a photo! Thank you for your patience, Kyle. (I have never before not posted a picture immediately when a quilt came in. After Christmas, I came down with pneumonia and am just now well enough to get back to work.) Jan 26: Kyle has selected her pattern & wants some shade of Magnifico high sheen on top. Feb 05: Prepared backing and top for loading. I want to do an EQ7 rendition & and overlay in the morning to determine the best size to quilt this. Feb 06: Rendition & overlays posted. Kyle chose the densest one. I agree this is best. Feb 07: Quilting. WOW! And quilted. Feb 08: Final photos. ![]() Between chemo & hospitals & rehab and all that goes with it, Sylvia finally had a chance to piece her quilt & get it to me. Her granddaughter selected the fabrics for this quilt is for her baby daughter...i.e. Sylvia's great-grandchild. Much of the fabric feels thick like canvas. quite a contrast to the super soft white minky backing. Like canvas, Minky is heavy. Dec 06: Sylvia picked Pom Pom with white thread.
Dec 09: Quilt arrived. Dec 13: Prepped & loaded. Dec 14: Quilted. ![]() Four quilts similar yet different. Three will be Christmas gifts. Sometimes I just get a feeling about someone. Buddy is one of those. I could no more refuse to do his quilts even though the hour is late than I could stop longarming. Can't explain it. Don't have to. Perhaps Buddy will share the story behind these quilts. Certainly, It is not my place to do so. |
November 2023