![]() Now Marie wants frogs!! Marie has asked me to make a quilt with frogs on it. She has someone in her vast family who is really into frogs ... thus... "Before the Kiss" Quilt Oct 12: After the Todd festival today. Marie asked me to make a quilt for her to give someone. It must be all about frogs.
Oct 14: I searched high & low for fabrics with frogs them. Tonight Marie came by and gave a thumbs up or down on each of them. We were left with a "Before the Kiss" panel, a few coordinating fabrics from the same fabric line and some frogs on fleece I will use for the backing. Who knows, I may dare to use some of the fleece on the top. All afternoon and evening, I have been designing from scratch. You know how it goes…scratch this one…scratch that one…LOL. Feel free to offer suggestions or pick a favorite. I have a couple but it is up to Marie now. She is why I have all these posted for now. Oct 16: Marie came by before I left for Greensboro on a fabric run & we finalized her plan. Ordered the fabric & they are all on the way. Oct 19: The fabrics ordered on eBay are here. Oct 31: Marie came by today to see her fabrics. Whew! As I checked what I had vs. what I needed, I discovered I had, not 6 yards of backing fabric and front panels, but 6 24-inch panels. Turns out that is 4 yards which is exactly what I in fact need. Cut the side panels & ready to start sewing. Nov 01: Piecing. Nov 02: Top & backing are pieced and ready to quilt. This time Marie gets to choose a pattern & thread color & I am ready for her. Nov 04: Marie chooses Leapin' Lily Pads & I have to choose the thread--light turquoise top & back. Dec 12: Loaded & ready to quilt. Dec 13: Quilted. Squared. Clamped for hand binding. Dec 16-17: Bound. Dec 18: Final pictures.
![]() I'll be piecing & longarming this quilt for Dorothy Wonder using the Yellow Brick Road pattern. She is sending the skins fabrics. I'll do the rest including shopping for suitable borders. Oct 11: Got a call this morning from Dorothy to help her with this project. She is swapped & I have a lot of free time. Until her fat quarters get here, I am working on EQ7 to draw the quilt. I've gone about as far as I can for now. Double borders 2" & 5" makes a 77 x 95 quilt. As I play with the colors, it seems to me that the inner border needs to be a subtle transition, either a medium shade or a blender or simple print of some kind, to ease out from the skins to a solid or another muted blender. No inner border is too abrupt. An inner border that pops it, poops it too. The fabrics here are so dynamic so let the borders tame the wildness. We will see what Dorothy sees. I love talking over quilt layouts with her & always ask her to critique my quilts. Ha! She agrees.
Oct 12: Used some software called Quilter's Lightbox for the first time to audition pattern & thread options. This tool might help us get closer to the thread color we want before I go pull specific spools. Oct 15: Fat quarters are here. Added real fabrics & re-did the layouts.Oct 16: Added some almost solids to the mix to have enough fat quarters to make a larger quilt. 14 skin fat quarters, 6 more or less solid blenders & one black-brown print. Oct 16: Going/gone to Greensboro to look for border fabrics. Very successful trip. Oct 18: Cutting & piecing. Oct 19: Finished the cutting. The blocks are together. Finished the layout & started on the rows. Oct 20: I have a panto designer lined up--Ellen Munnich. The main part of the top is ready. Just needs borders. Oct 21: Restricted by the backing which is 84 x 96, I can add 2" + 3" borders or just one 5" border. Either way the top will be 73 x 91. Dorothy says 2" plus 3". I have contacted Ellen Munnich about doing a special panto for this quilt. She has agreed but I have to wait until mid-November. Oct 31: Pieced the backing & inner border. Double checking how much backing I have now that it is pieced before cutting the outer border. Nov 05: While pressing and squaring the backing, I realized the quality was just not there. I'll get more of one of the "solid" fabrics used in the top for the backing. Brown marble was available. Nov 13: Contacted Ellen Munnich about our panto. She says it will be in the next batch. Not sure what that means but it had better be quick...time is running out. Nov 16: Picked up the backing fabric. Nov 22: Ellen Munnich did the panto today. My idea was profiles of animals represented by the skins. Ellen suggested Zany Swirls & I countered with using that type of connector between the profiles. She was concerned that including a giraffe would be hard to fit everything together. I left the details with her. Several hours later, she sent me her sketch. I am trilled with what she did. After all that--spending most of her day focused on it--she wasn't even going to charge me. Thanks so very much, Ellen. When I get the panto today, I'll be ready to load Dorothy's quilt. Nov 23: Outer border is pieced and thus the top is finished. Now the backing--also pieced & ready to load. Batting is cut. IQ is programmed. Thought about using a variegated but found the perfect So Fine! brown instead. Having to wind bobbins to get a perfect match. Have 5 ready to go. Wanted to get a lot more done, but HEY!, my hair cut looks great. Well, it does -- kudos to Lowell! My ultimate goal is to ship on Monday. Nov 24: Loading. Loaded. Quilting. Very hard to photograph but I'm trying. The back should should show up nicely. Nov 25: Quilting along making nice progress when ... a tension problem has me taking out a row. Since the thread is too loose, it shouldn't be too hard to do or take too long...just long enough that I won't get this in the mail today. And so it goes. Well, it wasn't hard but it did take a very long time nonetheless. All set to start again tomorrow & hopefully beat the nasty weather. Nov 26: Quilting ... Quilted ... Shipped. On a rainy day, I couldn't get the picture I wanted of the back. Also the marble effect obscured the quilting more than I thought it would. Still learning after all these years. ![]() I fell in love with this beautiful Tree of Life Tapestry at the Todd Fall Festival today. It was made in India & the exact colors in my living room rug. The trinket boxes are black walnut crafted by a local artist. I picked the roomiest I could find. He sells his boxes shaped like bee hives, acorns, mushrooms and many other shapes. Absolutely beautiful work by a man who does not over charge. In fact, I suspect he undercharges. 5' x 7.5' = 60" x 90" Oct 12, 2013: I have washed this tapestry now 3 times in cold water and it is still bleeding. Yikes. One more time and then I am giving up. HA! Four times did the trick.
Feb 2017: I still love this tapestry but so does Shana. I gave it to her when she visited the cabin today. It has been tucked away in a box for too long. I must say Shana bought & brought me a spiral ham that fed me for 2 weeks! How thoughtful of her. My intent was just to give her the tapestry but we have become friends instead. ![]() Not much to say. Just adding borders to some flannel I've had in the closet far too long. The backing is the same as the border. Winter is coming soon to the mountains and Marie needs something for those chilly moments. Marie is a dear friend. Sep 18: Fabrics acquired in late 2009. Planned. Cut. I'll work this in around partner quilts currently here or on the way.
Sep 19: Pieced the top, i.e. added the border so I'm ready to quilt when I decide on a pattern. Sep 20: Laid out 13 patterns. Marie selected XOXOs. Sep 24: Quilting. Quilted. Sep 25: Binding attached. Sep 30: Finished. ![]() This is a set of quilts for twins born last December. I bought the one on the right made by Pam Miller using Zig Zag quilt pattern by Sweetwater. I made the one on the left using Crumbs by Me and My Sister Designs.The fabrics are A Stitch in Color by Moda. May-Jun: Learned a medical professional had twins last December. Been thinking about a pair of quilts for the babies ever since. Didn't ask if they were boys. girls or one of each so I want something that works for both and that they won't outgrow.
Aug 16: Fell in love with the perfect quilt for this purpose in the local quilt shop. It was immaculately pieced by Pam Miller who works there. For sale? How much? Oh yes! The shop was closing early & I had already spotted another pattern I could make. The staff helped collect fat quarters and coordinating solids from the same fabric collection used in Pam's quilt. I think that is the fastest I ever planned & purchased fabric for a whole quilt plan. HA! TIme to get to work. These fabrics quite simply make me feel happy. And these quilts will never be outgrown. Aug 17-19: So many possibilities. I have changed these around over and over for three days now. Should I perhaps change my logo from The Smilin' Quilter to The eQuilter? Can you tell I have taken a break from any sewing? Down to two choices so I will wait until the center is done to see how it looks then. Aug 20: Got the main section of the quilt cut out. Aug 23: Selected Fast Splash for the pattern & did overlays for both quilts for comparisons. Aug 26: Back to piecing after doing a couple of partner quilts. Sewing the strips today that will make the blocks. Aug 27: Made the 9 patch blocks. Ready to assemble the rows which are done diagonally from top right to lower left. Aug 28: The main section of the top is together. Aug 29: Added corners. Time to decide on borders. Added a 2" blue border to seal the outer triangles. Will finish with blue binding. Aug 30: Quilting. Quilted. Trimmed the border down to 1" and attached binding. Aug 31: Re-did the binding on Pam's quilt. Sep 01: Binding complete on crumbs quilt. Sep 03: Quilts were hand delivered to a gracious dad. Got to see photos of the 9 month old boys, equally adorable but not identical. ![]() Picked up fabric to make this little panel quilt. The baby is the 2nd grandchild of Rita & Bennie, the local mail carriers. Boy or girl? -- no one knows. Due in December but can't start too early. Jun 19: Bought the fabric.
Jul 08: Selected Animal Crackers panto. Jul 10: Pieced & loaded. Jul 11: Quilting. While testing tension, I see now that this is not a premium quilting fabric but more like the quality of a novelty fabric even though it carries the Wilmington Prints name. So disappointed. Darn. Also found a flaw in the panel. Quilted. Making binding. Binding is attached. Hand binding... Aug 03: Finished the binding and delivered to Bennie when he came with another quilt. ![]() Whole cloth baby quilt with wool batting using Donna Kleinke's Rosie Bear block & Baby Bunny block 10. Decided to do this quilt today off the grid hoping I could do it in one day. Whew! As I learned the circumstances of the recipient of this gift quilt, I decided it would relieve needless anxiety that was already present in the giver. Hope this helps if anything ever really can. Apr 06: Got the request. Suggested piecers/quilts.
Apr 10: Started talking whole cloth Apr 11: IQ Design finalized Apr 12: Bought fabric Apr 13: Cut & squared top & back. Added widening strips to backing, Tested thread options. Apr 14: Loaded, quilted & squared. Binding is ready to attach but then the bugs came out... Apr 15: Attached the binding & started the hand work. Apr 18: Finished & shipped. ![]() 3/20: Planning this quilt for a High Point, NC friend I saw yesterday. Showed her my Birchbark Lodge Twister quilt. She loved the design and thought it would be ideal in Solid Red & White. Also found out she loves roses. Already on my way to THE QUILT SHOP, I found some wonderful fabric. Already had bolts of red so very pleased to be able to use some of it. When I got home I went to work on this while snow covered my world outside. 5/22: I saw Munirah again today. Next time I see her, it will be to deliver her quilt. Mar 20: Purchased fabric to go with the red I already have.
Mar 21:Did some layouts\ Apr 04: We discussed the plan and it was approved. WIll use some of the small roses in the top if it works nicely. May 25: Over 2 months, 9.5 weeks to be exact, have passed since deciding to do this project. I have wanted to start it every day since so I am very happy I am finally cutting. May 26: Been planning & making blocks all day. This will go on a 39" x 79" daybed. I have posted several similar layouts. Though the differences are slight, the effects are dramatic. The bed is 24" from the floor so I have sketched the red border at 12" but it can be whatever length Munirah wants. Also doing contrasting cornerstones will make this a much more tedious project. May 27: Cutting & piecing and cutting & piecing ... etc. May 28: Made the charm blocks--5" squares with a 3" border. May 29: Cut the blocks into pinwheels using the Twister tool. May 30-Jun 01: Finished the blocks. Jun 02: The center is together. Jun 03: Adding borders. Quilt top finished. Backing is ready to load. Jun 04: Loading. Loaded. Quilting. Jun 05: Finished quilting. Jul 08: Finished binding. This did not become a bandana quilt persay though I tried hard, but |
Feb 16: EQ7 Rendition.
Apr 20: I cut the borders & panels for this simple quilt.
Apr 21: Today, in 2.5 hours, I had a new quilt top.
Jun 15: Pieced the backing. Ready to load. I searched for pottery and southwest patterns but didn't find anything I like any better than the eagles. Definitely open to suggestions !! I am also rethinking the backing. Geez. Better take a break!
Jun 16: Selected my thread. Loaded & basted.
Jun 17: Waiting for Digi-tech to digitize the simple pottery panto. Yes! Jessica came through for me. I made a few modifications. Now quilting. Quilted.
Jun 18: Pictures, such as they are..
Jun 19: Sold Joan some of this fabric.
Oct 02: Binding finished.
Dec 23, 2014: Gave this to Myra Trivette when she fell instantly in love with it.

Just got home from an adventure at Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shop.
The fabric is a brushed cotton jelly roll by Moda Christmas Spirit. The quilt top pattern is Cozy Quilt's Daybreak by one of my favorite IQ pattern designers, Georgette Dell’Orco at Quilters Niche.
How to Video making the block. She says it is "that easy" but of course I made it a whole lot harder.
Feb 08: Dang, I'm cold!! Time to start cutting. Got everything cut for the main quilt. Started piecing...barely. Completed my cutting chart.
Feb 09: Did another design since I have plenty of the lightest color. The pattern calls for two background colors, one slightly darker than the other. It calls for alternating backgrounds for every other 16" block. I am having much more fun mixing it up.
Feb 12: Had time to do some more piecing.
Feb 13: Thanks for the votes!! Posting my choice.
Aug 07: Finally getting back to this one inspired by Dorothy's Remembrance quilt.
Aug 10-12: Been working steadily while my IQ x-motor is being replaced. I now have a bed layout and am piecing then squaring the quarter blocks.
Sep 06: Coming together as I assemble the larger blocks. Six of twelve are done.
Sep 07: Big blocks are together. Or so I thought. When I added the first border, I noticed the tension was off. I had to go back and overstitch all the connecting seams. I don't know where all that red fabric in first picture above went but I had enough strips to do the border. I have enough green for a 6" border and the backing. Tomorrow!
Sep 08: Borders are done, back & batting are loaded, top is ready to load. When I went looking for a pattern, I decided on Ellen Munnich's Twelve Days of Christmas. Now I just need an outer border I like to go with it.
Sep 09: Found a border I can use but it took all day to find it. Quilting. Can't see much of the blocks for now but posting anyway.
Sep 10: Custom quilting today using a Magnifico thread to highlight the Twelve Days of Christmas block patterns & two Curls patterns. Turning quilt to do side borders. Quilted.
Sep 11: More photos.
Sep 12: Binding is attached and ready for hand binding.
Oct 02: Starting the hand binding. It is already clipped and ready.
Dec 25: Finished the binding. I decided to go ahead and wrap the quilt, thread, scissors & clips & give it to my daughter as was. With the drive behind me, I spent Christmas Day afternoon. finishing the binding. I wanted her have a super soft cuddle quilt through the winter months & now she does.

Recently, TJ sold me a car that is perfect for what I wanted. That is when we started talking about what kind of quilt he might like. He designed it himself using posted sports quilts by Joan Taylor as a reference.
Jan 24: TJ has not had an opportunity to look over all the options I have offered him so I am just going to go on and order fabric and make this quilt. I hope he loves it.
Jan 31: I only ordered the backing fabric which came today. Took it to show TJ. He has totally changed his mind about what he wants so back to the drawing board.
Feb 02: Still no feedback from TJ. And I don't dare go ahead because he is particular about what he wants even though he has changed him mind. Not two teams, just one. Steelers. Simple. Not too busy. Use yellow as focal color.
Feb 11: We have a plan & the fabric ordered.
Feb 20: The fabric is here.
Mar 08: Washed and ironed all the fabric. Cut out the blocks. TJ is considering what IQ pattern he wants.
Mar 09: Piecing the top. Regarding IQ pattern: since the front is a football theme & the back is a basketball theme, not sure mixing themes via the IQ pattern is a good idea. Thinking perhaps something generic would work better. Proposed an idea for the quilting that simulates the diamond stars on the logo.
Mar 10: Quilt top is finished--absurdly big for my full size bed. LOL
Mar 11: Did some IQ programming to get some overlays. Piecing the backing while waiting on TJ. It's settled--loose spiral square with double wool batting for very nice warmth. The backing is ready. Will load and quilt tomorrow.
Mar 12: Need to tweak the IQ pattern & press the backing before loading. Turns out I spent a lot of time tweaking before I was satisfied. Determined, I got the quilt loaded & ready for basting.
Mar 13: Basting is tricky with wool batting and even more so with too layers. Glad that is done now! Quilting ...
Mar 14: Still quilting ... and done. Better photos in the morning.
Mar 15: When bringing the quilt into my room to photograph, I discovered a first. I had loaded the backing upside down. This really is not a bad thing for this quilt just unintended.
Mar 22: Made the binding.
Mar 23: Attached the binding.
Mar 24: Hand binding has begun.
Mar 27: Should finish today. FINISHED!
Apr 12: Working 6-7 days a week at the car dealership, TJ finally got his quilt when I drove by yesterday on the way to Greensboro. He saw it several weeks ago here at the cabin on other business and made every second and penny working on it worth it. Thanks TJ for the joy you bring us.

I pieced Cody's quilt top in October & thought I would quilt it soon after. Other quilts kept coming in so I decided to save this quilt for last. I stopped receiving quilts in mid November to ensure time to complete this by New Years.
When I heard Cody didn't need the warmth but his mom, Nancy, did. I suspect Cody is the type of man who is very glad his mom got hers first & willing to wait until last.
So I have been looking forward to this since August. It will be the crowning work for a year of longarming beautiful and often challenging quilts. This is the 6th one I pieced this year and only the 2nd one of my own that I will longarm.
Neither this quilt nor words can express my gratitude to Cody and all the wounded warriors in our midst. Their wounds are my wounds. Cody's quilt is theirs too for he receives it not only for himself but for all the wounded. Merry Christmas, Cody, and a very Happy New Year.
Dec 21: Piecing the backing & preparing to load while it snows outside. Brrrrr. I need to re-check the IQ pattern after all I learned while doing Brian's quilt. Meanwhile the quilt is loaded & ready to baste.
Dec 22: Went over the entire plan making substantial changes virtually starting from scratch.
Dec 23: Spent all day on the design brainstorming options.
Dec 24: Still designing. Finished basting. Started quilting late in the afternoon. Got the first row done. Started on the feathers for the inner borders. Oops! Need to split some of the patterns into sew-able sections. I shut everything down & took the IQ tablet computer into the living room to program the splits. The center eagle fits in one pass but the rays and star frame need to be split too. And so it goes. Tis the night before Christmas after all. Snuggling in for a long winter's nap sounds perfect.
Dec 25: Programing breaks into the pattern so they will fit within the 15" roll of the quilt. It takes time to get it right. Ready to resume quilting tomorrow.
Dec 26: A new upgrade, oh yes! Oh no. My IQ started behaving badly--like going left when I went right. Got that fixed. I had to stop & revise some of the splits. All I managed to do today was the two corner stars.
Dec 27: Quilting. Got first row done. Can't do any more because every time I try to SEW, the system reboots. So all is far from well with IQ.
Dec 28: System is still down since last night.
Dec 29: Late in the day I learned I had misunderstood the message to (not) revert to an earlier release. I have now completed all but the center of the 2nd row.
Dec 30: Working on the eagle & its borders. The complications with so many border pieces prompted me to simplify the design, I think for the better. Made decent progress today and got some interesting late night shots.
Dec 31: Quilting has gone smoothly today but setting up each pattern was time intensive. Only have some of the pledge and two sections of single feathers to do. May add some top stitching too.
Jan 01: Finished quilting. Only the binding is left to do.
Jan 02: Attached binding and hand sewing.
Jan 05: Still binding. Posted how I do it--slow, slow, slow.
Jan 07: Finished! Off to ship it.
Jan 10: Received by Cody.

I offered & Georgette Dell’Orco at Quilters Niche accepted two of my patterns used in this quilt.
They now belong to her & she is sharing them for free.
How cool is that?
Find them here.
!! Happy First Birthday !!

Duane & Irene & their two energetic sons came over this evening to bring & share some heirloom quilts. No way I was going to spoil such priceless though well worn quilts. Of course, I had to dig into my stuff. While doing so, I discovered they were serious about having a quilt made for a boy who will be one in July. Since these friends board horses at their Bridle Creek Farm...well, it was a hit.
The plan is to use this fabric as is front and back with a solid red border and binding. I have everything I need so this is next on my to do list.
June 14: Cut the fabric.
June 15: Pieced the top and backing. Ready to load & quilt. Took far longer than I expected because the print on the fabric was not square. It is close now.
June 19: I was about to load this quilt today when it seemed that two quilts with red backings would be a better plan than one with this gorgeous fabric on both sides. I got Duane's go ahead this evening so now I have cut two red backings & will piece them in the morning.
June 20: Piecing the backing. I will quilt one of these today & the other goes at the bottom of the queue like any other quilt. Got the first one loaded.
June 21: Started quilting and then realized I needed to stop and clean the bobbin assembly. When it gets noisy, it is time. And quilted.
June 22: Squared the quilt to prepare it for binding.
June 24: Quilting the 2nd one. About 1/2 done. No pictures on this one yet.
June 25: Finished quilting #2 through a barrage of thread breaks and tension issues. Also attached the binding. Irene came over this afternoon to learn how to do hand binding so she will finish both of these quilts.She took #2 with her. I need to do some tension repairs on #1 & then attach that binding.
July 10: Hand binding all day. Dorothy asked me how I do binding in this heat (or something to that effect). See pictures and captions below.
July 11: Binding on quilt #1 finished in plenty of time for that birthday.
Click to read the end of this story

Photo on the left is the fabrics in the quilt kit.
Photo on the right was taken of the quilt at the show.
May 19: Cut out all the pieces. Marked the triangles. Sewed the squares & cut into triangles.
May 20: Ironed open the squares and started the layout in the center. Must layout entire rows so I can sew one row at a time. This is so fascinating to observe.
May 21: Sewing the rows. The rows are together.
May 23: Half is together.
May 24: Only 1 border to go.
May 25: Quilt top finished.

Jan 27: I picked this up this kit at the quilt show in Statesville.
May 17: Cutting it out.
May 18: Quilt top is finished.
Sep 17: I will finish this small lap quilt as a surprise for Tony's wife, Lori, and as thanks for his help around here. I hope to meet her one day.
Sep 18: Planned. Have decided to l use So Fine! #702 Squeaky Beach which is a variegated cream tonal thread #702, Bird Bath meander pattern & wool batting.
Sep 23: Quilted. Needs binding.
Sep 25: Binding attached.
Sep 28: Binding finished. Gave this to Tony's wife, Lori.

A friend and neighbor has asked for yet another quilt, this time for a baby expected soon. Perhaps this will do.
Print fabric is for the backing.
Mar 24: Made 9 patch blocks, sashing & got the flower blocks 1/2 way together.
Mar 25: Things slowed down as I started assembling the blocks & tried to keep things fairly on point. The rows are together such as they are. I admit fudging was a bit of a factor.
Mar 26: Fudging never works. The sashing did not fit the rows. Took apart most of the rows & sashing, trimmed as needed & reassembled. Thus I am exactly where I was at end of day yesterday. This was supposed to be a one or at most 2 day little project!! HA! I must say it is very good for a longarmer to stop and piece now and then to appreciate her customers all the more!
Mar 27: I have pinned where I need to re-seam the sashing. Hopefully I can then connect the rows with more success than I had yesterday morning. Hope it doesn't take all day again. I so want to see borders on this baby (quilt). YES! I am ready to get back to longarming but I don't dare quit now less I never get motivated to finish this before that baby is born and too old to use it! HA! Got it together at last! And 2 out of three borders now done. With Joan's affirmation (comment), I am stopping right here...after stitching around the edges to hold everything in place.
Mar 28: Pieced the backing and prepared the binding. Once I choose an IQ Pattern, it is ready to quilt.
Mar 29: My friend/customer loves the quilt!. Like most men, he does not wish to pick an IQ pattern but likes the idea of using bees.
Apr 02: After much deliberation, I have decided to go with my first choice--a Bee Border by Deb Geissler. It is just too cute to use anything else. I learned Karen is interested in the whole longarming process so I invited her up to do this quilt with me. Perhaps Friday.
Apr 06: Karen & I decided to postpone until next Wednesday, April 11.
Apr 11: Quilting...ran out of steam...had to abandon my baby until morning.
Apr 12: Quilted.
Apr 24: Binding is attached. Only hand work left to do.
May 10: Binding is finished.

10/10/2013: Last night while rocking on the porch late at night, I was thinking about this quilt. Would I keep it? Would I give it away? Would I sell it? I have pondered these questions many times.
Now I know what I will do. My daughter is THE Little Engine who always could, does and always will know that she can do whatever she makes up her mind to do. She is my inspiration, ever my purpose and the one person I most admire. My life is what it is because of her.
I will make this & dedicate it to her. Along with a copy of the book this will be hers. NOW I am motivated to finally piece it.
Feb 06, 2012: Ordered the fabric Feb 18, 2012: Original plan Oct 10, 2013: Inspired to make this for my daughter Oct 13, 2013: Looking online for a copy of the book, I learned the history of this story & its many editions through the years including 1930 & 1954. I decided I wanted a 1930 edition (but not the ones I saw for over $1000.00. Fortunately, I have found one for a far more reasonable price in "very fine condition." It should be here Wednesday. | The Little Engine That Could - 1930 Edition |
Making the Quilt
Oct 13: I thought I had the top all planned out 20 months ago but today I realized that four of the images are not Little Engine That Could blocks. If anyone wants a couple of Puff'n Toot &/or The Chocolate Train panel blocks, let me know. I won't be using them.
Piecing & Quilting
Nov 18: I have a few minutes so I have pressed the fabrics and started cutting and piecing. Decided on some version of the 9-block. Center of pinwheel blocks are done. The tricky part is that the image blocks ar 10.5" x 11.5". Think I have a plan that will work. We'll see.
Nov 19: HA! By oversizing the red triangles around the pinwheel blocks, I can trim them down. Added blue borders to panel blocks. Trimmed all blocks to the same size. Ready for sashing & then borders. Plan change--just don't have enough red to make the diamonds but have just enough of the blue toss to use there.
Nov 20-22: Completed piecing. Had to omit side red borders so the top & bottom train borders would fit. This top surprised me that it turned out as large as it is.
Nov 24: Train With Trees plan proposal
Dec 14: Train Tracks plan proposal
Dec 15: Prepped. Loaded. Quilting. It will take 36 minutes to quilt each row. That gets a WOW! Quilted in one evening.
Dec 16: Squaring and then attaching binding.
Dec 24: Bound & wrapped for giving tomorrow.
Jan 01, 2016: Planned the quilt top.
Jan 02: Purchased the sashing & border fabrics--ladybugs, lavender & silver.
Sep 18, 2016: Gave this little project to Amalie, a lady I met who talked about her dream of quilting one day. Figured this was a good way for her to start. In less than a month she disappeared from my life as quickly as she came so I may never now what becomes of this project in which I have invested so much heart & treasure. I am trying to contact her hoping I am wrong.
Mar 08, 2017: I gave this to Mary Blankenship today. I look forward to seeing how she decides to use these panels.

Jul 2011: Cut the strips from the two neutral background fabrics.
Jan 21, 2012: WOW! I can't believe it has been 6 months since I bought this project & started on it. I put it away almost immediately to work on customer projects. Time to get on with it!! Today I laid out the strips arranging them in the way I want to sew them. Next I will sew two strips together & then sew a background strip top & bottom right sides together to that. I need 22 of these! That's all I know for now.
Jan 22:Started sewing the strips together. Stopped at 10 sets. Decided to see if can get a second roll-up from Ye Olde Forest so I don't have to use the lights. I think I need the darker strips to contrast with the two background fabrics.
Jan 27: At the extravaganza event in Statesville, Joanne let me know she has a roll-up!
Jan 28: Finished pairing up the strips and ready to make 12 more pairs.(I changed cameras. Can you tell?
Feb 12: Finished sewing all the strips into pairs.
Apr 15: Sewed 6 tube strips and cut them into squares using a 90 degrees triangle ruler. Did a temporary layout to see how it will go.
Apr 18: Finished sewing all the pairs to their background fabric (tubes). Next I need to cut a whole lot of squares, 1/2 with a background fabric & 1/2 with a strip pair. All the squares are cut.
Apr 19: 220 squares (22 sets of 10) are ironed and ready to arrange.
Apr 20: Down to 48 blocks: 8 rows of 6
Apr 21: Rows are together
Apr 28: Finally have all the rows connected so the main quilt top is now in one piece. Added the first solid blue border. Decided to not add the metallic 2nd border. Quilt top is finished.
Quilt is loaded using gold tonal flannel backing & Quilter's Dream cotton deluxe batting, hopefully to soften and give nice drape to the stiffer metallic top plus added warmth for this winter themed quilt.
Apr 29: Working on IQ pattern selection. THANKS SO MUCH for your feedback on this.
Apr 30: Selected Pom Pom & programmed IQ & prepared the overlay.
May 01-03: Out of town
May 04: Quilting...
May 05: Quilted
Nov 23, 2012: Just came in--my finished quilt bound by Laura Mourning.
Jan 2013: Given away.
Using variegate Holly & Ivy King Tut thread. Got off to a bad start when a thread jammed my bobbin assembly when I turned my machine on. What took two months last summer to learn, I executed in about an hour. I am up and running beautifully.
Nov 26: Quilted two sets
Nov 27: Quilted third set. Squared the mats.
Nov 28: Binding. One set done, 2nd set well underway.
Nov 29: Putting 1st set in the booth for sale. Attached green binding to all 4, pin basted 3 and completed 1 of the 2nd set.
Nov 30: Finished 2nd set. Started on the 3rd set.
Dec 01: Finished 3rd set.
10/18: The pillows inserts are here! I ordered these wonderful pillow inserts from PillowsXpress. Great price. Fast turnaround. Only the shipping was pricey but bulky boxes do that!
10/26: All the fabric & 3-D glasses are here
11/08: Prepared the fabric
11/09: Programmed IQ, Quilted the covers. Finished one cover.
11/10: Hope to finish and ship today.
1 Planned Projects
1 Quilts In Progress
2007 Tis Of Thee
2008 - 2010 Mine
2011 - 2013 Mine
2014 - 2015 Mine
2016 - 2018 Mine
2019 Forward Mine
9 Misc
Ada Blackwell
Adora Avaltroni
Amy Newton
Amy Quilts
Andrea Guidi
Asiyah Kurtz
Bags--Birdie Sling
Bandana Quilts
Barbara Berry
Barbara Johnson
Becky Keith
Becky McCree
Beth Berry
Brent Murphy
Bryn Meehan
Buddy Linson
Caci Kostik
Callie Birdsell
Carin Jackson
Carole Landry
Carol Henig
Carrie Byrd
Cathy Fox
Celia Gwaltney
Cindy Baur
Cindy Dodd
Cindy Hoy
Craig Evans
Cynthia Latham
Debbie Hauser
Debra Smith
Dee Edwards
Denise Moore
Diana Trivette
Diane Holland
Dionne Latham
Dona Fox
Donna Roberson
Dorothy Wonder
Drew Quinton
Elizabeth Claverie
Elizabeth Wordell
Eliz Goodridge
Erin McGuire
Frances Hunt
Gabriela Tesh
Gail Burton
Gail Calcutt
Ginger Moore
Gomez Family
Heather Murphy
Honey Bees
Jackie K
Jane Duncan
Janet Murphy
Janet Waln
Jannie Preddy
Jen Froio
Jennifer Henry
Jipco Herzog
* J&L Quilts
Joan Taylor
Joan Taylor Rwb
JR Garland
Judi Whittaker
Karen Gulliford
Karen Kandl
Karen Makoul
Karyn Tageson
Kathy Boynton
Kathy Millbrand
Kelly Bohne
Kim In TX
Kit Newlin
Kristin Minnick
Kyle Berkley
Lake Polan
Laura Luke
Laura M
Laurel Kendrick
L.D. Quilts
Leigh Kulish
Linda Campbell
Linda Licht
Lisa Lavitski
Loretta Bell
Lorraine Neill
Love Your Melon
Lu Ann
LW Quilts
Madeline Ditzler
Mandy Franklin
Maria W
Marilyn P
Marsha Ellison
Mary Blankenship
Mary Bucy
M Avery
McNeil Family
Melissa Kogler
Melodee Zamudio
Michael Elinski
Michelle Binder
Misty Mealey
Molly Barry
Munirah & Family
Nancy Goehring
Nancy Gorgen
Nancy Krantz
Nina Stoma
Nita Powers
Oma Heidi
Pat Byerly
Patricia Cone
Patricia Ferrari
Pattie Glennon
Paula Ginn
Petra Fauerbach
Rare Bear Pgm
Rebecca Leonard
Roberta Jackson
Roberta Patzer
Robin Tuttle
Rodie's Parkway Grill
Rozie Bolac
Rudy Projects
Sandra Hagler
Sandy Peter
Sandy Reavis
Sarah Holden
Sara Serio
SF Opera
Sharon Grassini
Sharon Stoehr
Sonya Gingerich
Sonya Green
Staci Gilbert
Stephanie Germack
Susan Stann
Sylvia Cox
Tara Hemami
Terrie McCoy
Terry Lubin
Terry Rouch
Tracy Edwards
Transplant Children
Trivette Family
Vicki B
Wilhelmina G
Wilma Snell
November 2023
October 2023
July 2023
September 2022
May 2022
July 2021
January 2021
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
August 2020
July 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014
December 2013
November 2013
October 2013
September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
June 2013
May 2013
April 2013
March 2013
February 2013
January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
February 2012
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
January 2011
December 2010
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
August 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
January 2010
September 2009
November 2008
August 2008
July 2007