![]() Last summer right after my May vacation, Vicki Boissey & Sharon Stoehr brought a church raffle quilt & this quilt to the cabin intending to use that quilted piece shown here for the backing. While we worked on the other quilt, Vicki decided to enlarge the quilt top to the max & to get a different batting. Perfectly pieced by Paula McLean, Vicki's Canadian cousin, making quilting this trouble free. June 01: First brought the quilt top and backing but decided to enlarge the top. She remains in the queue until she & Sharon can come back for another marathon quilt-it-in-a-day adventure.
June 09: Bought new backing June 14: Planning to return to the cabin with Sharon to help quilt this. Dec 2012: Never heard any more Vicki or Sharon until now. Had long since dropped them from the active queue. Couldn't commit in December plus the quilt was too large now. Sharon trimmed it down. Jan 31: Sharon asked to be put back in the queue and the ladies want to come back to the cabin to do this project together. Feb 13: When Sharon emailed me today, I realized I had forgotten to log this in the queue. So sorry about that. At least I didn't skip over it completely. Whew! Feb 21: Today is the day but I have no idea when to expect the ladies. Ah ha! 11:00. Vicki wanted hearts of some kind and decided on Wrought Iron for her pattern. 3 PM Lunch! YES! Since when do streets have to always have street signs? This is the rural hills after all. Huh? Only Sharon knows for sure what that is all about. 6 PM. Time flies no matter what! 7:15 PM last roll of the quilt. Oops! Ran out of batting so had to stop and piece in about 6 more inches. King size wasn't quite long enough. 8 PM taking pictures. Soon after the ladies leave in the dark & moderate night. Feb 22: Last night, the ladies left soon after 8 PM anxious to stay well ahead of the storm they had been talking about throughout the day. I paid that little mind since I was so hot all day & the 40's temp outside was a delightful retreat now & then. I worked on photos and this post thinking the whole time how nice the hot tub outside on the deck would feel. Finished at last, I wrapped up in my terry robe, grabbed something to drink & an extra towel, slipped into my wool slippers I use for just this purpose and headed out. Three feet from the door I realized I was walking on ice! And more was falling! And that tub may as well have been a mile away. IT WAS STILL 40 DEGREES too! So disappointed I opted for a hot shower instead. A bit of mindless TV & then to bed at the zero hour--a common phrase these days--but it took a hour or so to drift off. Didn't leave my woolen cocoon until 10 this morning. And that's all I have to say about that.
Blame the full moon rising but I am chuckling at my post title King Quilters because they live in King, NC & their quilts are king size. Today Sharon Stoehr & Vicki Boissey showed up at 11 AM sharp as planned. We got Sharon's church fundraiser raffle quilt loaded at last after devising a way to deal with the fact that it is too wide for my setup. I'll blog quilt progress under separate posts except to say we got two rows completed before they had to head home at 6:30 PM with barely a break to grab a quick bite to eat. I'll finish up the longarming on this one tomorrow. Both of my new friends will return perhaps next week to do Vicki's log cabin quilt. That gives her time to make some alterations & me time to get in more of the perfect thread we found for these quilts. I feel I made two friends today for we have far more in common than quilting. May 03: You gals must be congresswomen too (i.e. it takes an act of Congress to get me to do a lot of things)! It was time to solve my space problem behind the longarm once and for all. After rearranging things so we could work on Friday, this morning (Sunday) I decided to fix the problem so the longarm can run freely the full length of the table rails. THANK YOU!
November 2023