A quilt for Holly Paino--an amazing artist & friend--in HUGE appreciation |
Feb 11: Piecing has begun! On the first of the triangles, the seams didn't nest like they need to so I had to rip (ever so gently) some partial seams to remedy that. Done. Feb 12: On the second set of triangles, I got one set of logs on the wrong side of the chimney triangle. I caught the error as I started the second row of logs, ripped the necessary seams and will sew them correctly tomorrow. The good news is I am confident I will make less goofs as I go along. I know now that I can do this quilt. All I need is time and patience. It is pretty darn kool in every aspect. We do have a lot of fun bantor.... |
Feb 14: Second set of six triangle blocks is done Feb 17: Third set is eight triangle blocks is done Feb 20: Fourth set of 22 triangle blocks is done Feb 21: Fifth set of 12 diamond blocks is done Mar 28: Finalized our IQ pattern Mar 29: Removed & trimmed borders to get rid of waves Mar 30: Borders re-attached. Loaded. Quilting halted. Slight IQ pattern glitch Mar 31: Glitch fixed with not just one, but two, IQ pattern options. Apr 01: QUILTING DAY !!!!! Had a bit of foolish fun with Holly! Apr 02: It is officially a QUILT !! Apr 08: Binding is attached & have started hand binding. Apr 09: FINISHED! Feb 27: Assembled blocks into 6 large triangle wedges Mar 01: DONE! The top is in one piece! Mar 20: Borders are on, Backing is ready Mar 27: Sandy and I are working on a custom IQ pattern. |
Wooooow....I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around how one would design, let alone execute such a thing...you are marvelous in an awesome way. Or awesome in a marvelous way, ah heck now I'm just babbling...luv ya!!!
LOL. I will forward your gracious comment
"that’s just crazy talent, I tell you, both for you and your daughter"
to Joanne, my daughter. Thanks so much! Keep smiling!
Wooooow....I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around how one would design, let alone execute such a thing...you are marvelous in an awesome way. Or awesome in a marvelous way, ah heck now I\'m just babbling...luv ya!!!
Thanks Holly! I will share your elsewhere comment too for Joanne, my daughter, to see. She is awesome indeed.
Holly:"Wow...that’s just crazy talent, I tell you, both for you and your daughter"
Looking really good!
Thank you, Joan. Going to add the set of three corner triangles today and the proper borders.
You and your daughter are too amazing artists. There is nothing to say about. AMAZING. Perform your skills with the EQ7, in view to put some signature pattern In your "coming soon" section to sale, that would be very welcome. I am so happy to see that you are always on the move. Hug and Kisses
Ah, dear Gislaine! Good to hear from you. I think I am out of the making quilts to sell business. I have sold so few and given away most. That was joyous too. I made them originally to learn longarming so they served their purpose and most now have homes. What I make will be just for fun. EQ7 has been so much fun!! Really helps someone like we who can't visualize decide what fabrics to put where.
pure art, amazing art, takes percision, tons of measuring,color and pattern planning,it is truly a lost art form, and I am so happy to see your works to realize again how beautiful this is, may we spread the word across the world..
THIS IS THE WAY TO CREATE WORLD PEACE, JUST WRAP YOURSELF UP IN ONE OF THESE BEAUTIFUL PIECES OF ART, AND THE WORLD WILL BE FINE........... Linda, my jaw is dropping again, you are inspiring me to get back too the machine. thanks for sharing this with me and I pray your client is in as much awe as I am, peace and love linmarie
This is just for fun. Been wanting to tackle it a long time!!!! My "client" is not a client at all but a dear friend motivating me in ways I have not succeeded in motivating myself. Thank you so, so much for taking a moment to visit.
Wow...what a beautiful selection you offer! I am in love with the material under revised plan...the blue dreamy flowers! Also think that under the bright fabrics ROW 1, image 6, and ROW 2, Image 1 work so well together!
You are amazing with this work...the patience of a saint!
Look forward to seeing further creations by you!
D-1 and B-4
D1-1 and B2-4
You've outdone yourself on this project. They are all so very beautiful. As you know and have probably already tallied my vote but I wanted to post that I like the third from the left on the top row.
Hi Sandy. I assume that is among the darks, the one I posted just for you! D1-3 right?
Yes, I see that now. D3 it is!
You make it hard to choose with so many wonderful choices.
I also have you down as B2-3. I am still waiting for Holly to make her choice. That is the one that will get sewn (first anyway.) LOL
Everyone is good! Choose for me! I'll lose my mind if I have to! Oh. Guess one can't miss what one doesn't have in the first place. Really, the one above is *perfect* in every sense - thank you so much!!!!!! xoxoxox!! aaaaaah!!!!!
Oh whew!!!! I am so glad since it is already cut out! Guess I had already chosen for you! Been missing you, woman! Glad you are alive after all. LOL It has only taken two months to get this far...maybe by next Christmas! I hope I am kidding!
Two month's of hard grind and well worth the outcome my friend! 5 stars for you!!!...)o(
And two years of wanting to take the risk before that! Thank you, dear one. I shall take your sweet comment personally! LOL
Ahhh, dear Lina! Mucho thanks. I have been so scared of this one & have delayed terribly. Turns out it has gone smoothly!! HA! Tiny steps for little feet is the only way!
you are so amazingly talented! look at these! I still have the very best one! LOL tons of love and continued success and enjoyment with this wonderful craft!
Shar, I am literally laughing out loud. You certainly knew what you wanted and I am so glad it is still your favorite!!! Thank you so much & I will keep at it!!
A gorgeous quilt created by one beautiful woman to give to another beautiful woman. Your work is incredible.
I really do have to disagree with Shar though. I have different personal favorite quilt of yours, lol. xxoo
You are so funny too! Like I told Holly, I am just using her!! To motivate me to do what I've been wanting to try for a long time. I must be doing something right if two of you still favorite your own acquisitions!! Cuddle & stay warm!!
Oh Wow I just read this post all the way through and am quite amazed at the story. I love how your daughter is a part of this and all the planning EVEN BEFORE you start... like an architect of Joy!
Congrats to Holly who indeed does so much for so many. You both now have a stellar connection that will not be forgotten!!
Oh Lina, I am so glad you stopped in. Most of my quilts are rather simple and this one wasn't really all that bad but I had to read and re-read the directions because it is definitely different. I could only work on it between customers and when I had a day or two at a time to focus on it. BUT IT"S DONE!!! Yeehaw!!
Until this morning I was so depress, you know why, but looking your quilt put some fresh air in my mind, and guess what I immediately put some fabric on the table and started cutting a project, "the Radiant Star" by Eleanor Burns. I was sewing all the matinee. Do you think Linda that once again you send to me a "PARACHUTE". Thank you very much and I am quite sure that you're an angel.THanks again and warm hugs.Your quilt is just "WOW"
Ok question/learning time, what do all the D2, B3 etc things mean? It's secret quilter code, isnt it? :)
Hi Gislaine!!! So very sorry! I was not ignoring you. Weebly failed to notify me by email of your comment. I was looking for something else and found this! It is SOOOOOO good to hear from you after so long. Sweetheart, if I lived in Haiti, I would be depressed or worse for sure. Oh yes, beauty and art and fabric and working with your hands & mind are great therapy for a wounded heart. Glad my work lifted you up!! Have a safe landing on your feet!!
Oh Holly!!! You have me laughing my head off here!! Along the way, back in the beginning, I went wild posting lots of options using EQ7. B was brights. D was darks. The numbers were which image. I asked folks to vote their favorites. I have since deleted all the options since I finally decided which one to make for you but I didn't delete the comments. LOL. Your vote was the only one that really counted but you wanted me to choose.
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